Tax strategies, business tips, and Quickbooks advice to help you save money on your tax bill and run your business efficiently!
If you have been watching the news over the past year, you may have seen references to a new measure passed by Congress called the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). This measure, meant to deter financial crimes, instituted a new business reporting requirement called the Beneficial...
Everyone loves tax time when it means they get money back from the IRS!
It's a great feeling to check your bank account balance and see that your refund has arrived!
Many big-box tax preparers feed into the frenzy by promising to get you "the biggest refund" or some other marketing...
In a previous post, I talked about the Great American Problem – taxpayers are overpaying their taxes to the tune of over $1Billion dollars. EVERY YEAR! It’s very likely, if you are a business owner, that you are one of the 93% small business owners who are simply sending...
Houston, we have a problem!
If you’ve ever asked yourself “I wonder if I’m paying too much tax”, the answer is likely a resounding “YES”.
Did you know that American taxpayers pay more tax than they need to – to the tune of over $1Billion dollars per year...
People often dream of quitting their jobs and going into business for themselves so that they can pursue a passion and work without a boss. Self-employment can be a rewarding career decision, but it can lead to higher taxes and tax returns that are more complex that what you initially bargained...
Last tax season was a doozy for those of us in the tax industry. Covid took the wind out of our sails and left us coasting in uncharted waters for months as we deciphered what the new federal programs and acronyms like EIDL and PPP and ERC meant. For the most part, it was a challenge...
This year has been a doozy for business owners and, with the end of it just around the corner the last thing you likely want to do is take a walk down memory lane through it's challenges. But that's exactly what I'm asking you to do as you read this article, so please sit back (hopefully...
When lawmakers originally passed the PPP they thought that under its provisions
- you did not pay taxes on the forgiveness amount, and
- you also could deduct the expenses that you paid with the PPP money.
In late April, the IRS issued Notice 2020-32, which asserts that PPP loan recipients...

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